The Wonderful Word for This Wednesday is “Camping”

We do a lot of camping in the Snider family.  There’s something about having two boys that works quite well with camping.  You are outside, in the dirt, and there are probably pocket knives (for whittling of course!) and fire involved.  Need I explain more?

BUT, there is this moment before every trip when my husband hands me a packing list he printed out from somewhere on the internet.  It is different each time, always overwhelming, and frankly, nary a one speaks to me.   So each trip we have this little routine:  he hands me one, and I recycle it and make my own.

Can you relate?

The Birth of the Visual Packing List

We are actually headed on a camping trip this coming weekend, so I decided to finally create my own visual packing list instead of just using a scrap of notebook paper and then throwing it out later. When it’s time to pack, I visualize each setting I’ll be in and what I’ll need, so that is how I designed this packing list.

If it speaks to you, print it out, add other things specific to you and your trip, and then simply cross off items once you’ve got them packed.  Put your meal list on the back and whatever other specialty list you need for your particular trip.  If you’ve got kids, it might be a great list for them too.  What might they put in their satchel?

What will you put in yours?

The Satchel

Let’s take a minute and talk about that satchel (sidebar- don’t you just love that word!?).

When I go camping, I ALWAYS take a satchel with a sketchbook or nature journal and a pouch of my favorite pens/pencils.  Being outdoors in nature is the perfect time to observe the different flora and fauna around you.  Simply sit down next to a beautiful flower and sketch it.  Look it up in your guide book and label it.  You’ll never forget that flower once you do that!

Also, take lots of reference pics of flowers and interesting leaves etc. for future art projects at home.  Much of my floral art inspiration comes from my camping trip photos.  In fact, in this month’s in-person class I’ll be sharing my process for using reference photos to create beautiful black and white inked prints.  Check it out!

Here are links to the sketchbook, pencils, and guidebooks I have in my satchel right now:


I love this sketchbook because it has a flexible cover that is waterproof, very smooth pages, is sewn together and lays flat when opened.

Favorite Sketching Pencil

I love this pencil because the lead is glued into the pencil all the up (way less breaking) and it has less graphite dust than most.

Favorite Eraser

Dust free, erases clean

Favorite Guidebook for Flowers (western region)

This guidebook is small but thick as it is very comprehensive.  Pretty sure I’ve never found a flower in the wild that I haven’t been able to identify with this book.

In Closing

Well friends, I hope this list speaks to you, or better yet, inspires you to make your own visual packing list.  It’s quite fun to create!

I’m off to pack now, and I’m kinda excited about it!

Download Visual Packing List


Kimberly Snider, Virtuosos, signing off


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