It’s Spread the Love Day Friends!

It is ALWAYS good to know you are not alone, no matter who you are or what you are going through.  Am I right?  Well, of course I am.

Furthermore, I bet you know someone right now who needs to know they are not alone.   In light of this truth, I’ve made it super easy for you to get this message out.  Simply print out your free postcards and put one under this person’s door, or in their in-box at work, or on their car windshield, or ______.

Then, take the other three and give them out to random peeps around you.  My boys and I do this on the 14th of every month and it truly makes us giddy to sneakily place these postcards in different places around our community.  Meanwhile, I love to imagine that they will go to the exact people who need to hear that message on that very day.

Do not just let this go down to the bottom of your inbox, print these bad boys out and give 4 out today.  I promise it will make you smile.  In fact, if you are one who needs to know you are not alone, put one on your bathroom mirror, or tape it to the dashboard of your car, and then give the other three out.

For the Kids

If you have kids, this is a great opportunity to teach them about random acts of kindness.  Print a whole sheet out for each of them and let them decide what they will do with them.  Now pat yourself on the back because you just did some amazing parenting!

The Postcard

This month’s postcard was inspired by Stationary Pal.  I watched a simple video on how to create the heart of people hand in hand and that birthed the “You are not alone” idea for today’s Spread the Love.

Download Your Postcards

Kim Snider, Virtuoso, Signing off


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