Are you a creative?  YES!  Yes you are, period.

Do you read posts that are speaking to ‘Creatives’ and your inner voice is telling you that it’s for other people, not you?

Do you wish you were in the Creatives’ Club’?

Do you think you just don’t have that magic thing that makes a ‘Creative’?

Well you are dead wrong my friend.

I used to feel all of those things.  I’m 50 years old and I still do sometimes!  BUT, I’ve discovered my style of creativity and how good it feels to express it.  AND I’m working on the ‘compare paralyzer’ issue.

Do you know what I mean?

 Your inner voice sees other people’s creativity on Social Media and says: “I’ll never be that good “, “I could never do that.”  OR, “That person was born with a talent I don’t possess.”   

Here’s what you tell that voice: “SHUT YOUR MOUTH!”.  These are lies, plain and simple.


  • You ARE a ‘Creative’ period.  (and don’t let ANYONE tell you otherwise!)
  • We were ALL made with the need for creative expression.
  • Any kind of art or craft is a skill that can be learned if one has the desire.
  • You do not see the behind the scenes failures or years of practice, classes, etc. those friends had to get to their current status of being a ‘Creative’.
  • Expressing your style of creativity helps you discover a true feeling of joy that is only in you.

So, Maybe I’ve Convinced You?  Here’s What to do About it:

Carve out 30 minutes each day (at least!) to explore the areas of creativity you desire to learn.  Play with art or craft supplies with no purpose and no expectations; go out and dig in your garden and dream about how you might make it more beautiful, learn to knit, just whatever it is,  COMMIT to this.

If you hear that inner voice saying things like, “See! You can’t do this.” or anything of the sort, you say this outloud: “SHUT YOUR MOUTH!”, and carry on.  

I’ve included an affirmation download for you to color and hang on your fridge, or on your bathroom mirror, or above your desk, or wherever you will see it ALL the time.  Put a pretty border around it, sprinkle words of affirmation around it – play!

Now, GO FORTH!  Play Art & Spread Joy you Virtuosos!

Kimberly Snider, Virtuoso, Signing off