What comes up for you when you hear this word?  Do all of your senses engage?  Mine do.

I hear the waves rushing in, I smell the salty air, I feel the mist, I see endless patterns, colors, and shapes.

I have grown up with the sea.  I have lived either ON the sea or right near it my entire life.

I say ON the sea because my husband and I lived on a sailboat for 3 years BK (before kids).  It was a glorious time.  We will do it again for sure, AKMO (after kids move out).

But ‘sea’ is also a word of contrast.

It can be glass smooth and crystal blue on a calm day beckoning you to grab your kayak and have a row, and charcoal gray and tumultuous on a stormy day seeming to say, “Keep out!”.

The sea has brought people to new lands and allowed trade across the world.  It has also swallowed ships and their crew whole, or angrily tossed boats around for days.

The sea is in constant movement.

I love the sea and I fear the sea.  It’s a conundrum.

What does this word evoke for you?

Play art prompt:

Okay, now that you’re thinking about this word and what it brings up for you, set aside 30 minutes (or more!) pick one of the following ways to activate your creativity:

  1. Write a short acrostic poem for ‘SEA’ and create a border for your poem with sea stuff.
  2. If you have paints, pick a day in the life of the sea (calm and beautiful or stormy and active?) and paint it.  Just big swashes of color – nothing technical so don’t let this one scare you off!  Just play and see what happens.  
  3. Simply write a journal entry about what the sea means to you.
  4. Draw the word ‘SEA’ in fun letters – any kind – make up a font – and color it with pens, colored pencils, paints – whatever you can find 😉 

Now post what you created on the fridge.  I mean it!

ALSO, please share in the comments.  I want to hear/see what this word brings up for you!


Kim Snider, Virtuoso, signing out.

(Image: handmade watercolors by Lonely Moon Arts, Caliograph pen by Archer and Olive -color: ‘sky blue’, Tombow brush pen for shadow.)

P.S. I had sooo much fun creating this flay lay image!