YOU matter!

Also – WORDS matter.

So, I’m rebranding Blessing Bom_s (I don’t even want to type the whole word!)

I am committed as ever to spreading the love but I felt the need to change the name for obvious reasons.   

Now, more appropriately, I am calling the 14th of every month “Spread the Love Day”.

The new hashtag is #spreadthelove.  

Furthermore, it goes beautifully with my motto:


Now, without further ado, let’s talk about spreading the love.

The intention of these is for us to have fun coloring them, and then secretly give them to RANDOM people who won’t see us doing it.

By all means, also bless those your love and cherish, but ALSO spread love to some random people please.

Imagine, if you will, the following scenario:

You wake up on the wrong side of the bed today, AND then you discover that you’re out of coffee and you have to go without.

Then you are snarky with your partner.  Why?  Well, because you’ve had no coffee!  Your partner leaves for work angry.

Next, you continue your rant and yell at your kids because they will NOT move with a sense of urgency to get out the door to the bus.  They huff and puff out of the car and get on the bus without an ‘I love you’.

On your way to the store to get coffee, you are feeling pretty bad about yourself and the way you just treated your loved ones.

As you shop, someone who has read this BLOG and printed out their Spread the Love postcards, places one in your cart when you were scouring the coffee offerings.

When you turn around to put your coffee in the cart, you discover this sparkly colored postcard in your cart that lets you know, ‘You Matter’.

Suddenly your mind shifts to gratefulness.  I mean, this magical thing just happened.  You were having a horrible, no good, very bad morning, and then someone just randomly blessed you.

It changed your day right then.  For the rest of your shopping excursion you are looking at all the strangers expectantly, wondering which fellow human decided YOU were the one to bless today.

My point is this:  

We never know what people are going through and when a little random act of kindness could change the course of their day for the better.

Now, GO FORTH!  Spread Love to random people today!!

I really want to hear how/when/where you Spread the Love, so be sure to comment below.

Kim Snider, Virtuoso, signing out.

P.S. Print the download 2 sided t0 include the hashtag #spreadthelove on the back of each postcard.