The Wonderful Word for Wednesday is “Inspiration”

I love to be inspired by others I come across, and then turn right around and share that inspiration with you all!

This week has been FULL of inspiration and I am now bursting at the seems with it so I’m sharing some today.

Story Time:

My son’s school was doing a fundraiser with our local book store, my FAVORITIST place in Bellingham.  I’d sleep there if I could!  The deal was that the school would receive 20% of the sale when we bought things.  I was immediately IN.

So, a fellow momma and I met for a delicious lunch and a shop around Village Books.

Here’s the deal.  I could have done some Christmas shopping, and perhaps should have, but I decided to start in MY favorite section – the art book section.

Well, there I stood, for the ENTIRE time we were there, and it was awhile my friends.

Since I didn’t have any Christmas plans yet or lists from anybody, I decided to treat myself to some new art books and I painstakingly narrowed my pile down to two, and put the rest on MY Christmas list (which consists solely of books and art supplies).




“Get Messy Art” by Caylee Gray & “Draw Yourself Calm” by Amy Maricle came home with me that day.  I could hardly wait to get home and snuggle up with my blanket and new books, EVEN though I had a TO DO list a mile long.




New Books & Their Inspiration

Do you ever read a book and think, “This person is my people!”?  Well, magically, BOTH of these authors are apparently my people.  I already love them both dearly.  I resonate with all the things and am sufficiently inspired to get PLAYING SOME ART!


“Get Messy Art” starts out with how to make an art journal to play art in everyday.

That’s different than just saying “make time to get creative everyday”, because it has a beautiful place ready for your art.  Somehow this is quite different than a sketchbook you get from the store, probably because you chose the paper, the cover color, the art on the cover, the binding, etc.  When you make an art journal, you pour yourself into it and you find that you cannot wait to pick it up each morning.  In fact, I’ve found I can’t be without it!  It goes with me wherever I go now.

This is a picture of my handmade art journal



To go with my new beautiful art journal, I made my own beautiful pencil pouch to carry all the things ( I will do a different post with a tutorial on how I made the pencil pouch soon).  In my pouch are my bare essentials: my favorite pencil, an eraser, a black fineliner (of course!), my favorite Tombow glue stick (it actually glues the things!), and a gold paint pen.  One ALWAYS needs a bit of gold.

This image shows my pouch and what I put in it.

Now I am never without my art journal and pencil pouch.  They make me so happy!

I’m going to be vulnerable and share one of my first entries.  Here it is:

This is a picture of an old book page with certain words/phrases circled to create a poem about two leaves I found that day.


If you want to get your hands on these books, I’ve made it easy for you with my Amazon Affiliate links below.   It helps a girl out if you buy with these links as I receive a few cents from Amazon, and it doesn’t cost you any more, so thank you!

Get Messy Art

Draw Yourself Calm

Follow along with me on Instagram and Facebook as I share my entries if you’d like:



Kimberly Snider, Virtuoso, Signing off for now


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