Wonderful Words for Wednesday

Our Wonderful Words for this Wednesday are ‘Dream GOALS’.

I don’t just mean goals for today like get the kids out the door without raising your voice, get to work on time, go to the gym, etc.    

I also don’t mean the standard New Year’s resolution goals like cut sugar out of my diet, exercise at least 3 times a week, etc.

I’m talking dream goals.  

It makes no difference whether you are 9 years old or 90 years old.  What do you wish you could do?  

Most of the time, we just hold these dream goals up in our heads.  Many of us have never spoken of them nor actually set out to reach them in reality.  Why is that?

I think there are a few common reasons:

  1. We don’t try to reach them because we think they are just that – dreams.  Unattainable.
  2. We don’t tell others because, well, it’s vulnerable!
  3. When we think of our dream goals, we immediately think of all the reason we can’t.    For example: Kids, lack of time, lack of know how, and more…

Well, I’m living out a dream goal right now in starting my own business: Play Art With Kim.   

Interestingly enough, it’s the shortest lived dream goal I’ve ever had, because I acted on it pretty quickly, but I had to deal with all of the reasons I couldn’t attain it.

Tackling the Excuses

Kids: Yes, I have two boys who take up my life blood as they should, BUT, I figure it is a great example of reaching for your goals lived out right in front of them.  This gives them hope that they can also reach for their dream goals.  We often discuss what’s happening in the ‘biz’ at dinner so they are watching the whole process unfold, and guess what?!  They are super supportive!

Lack of time: Yup, BIG lack of time, BUT, I discovered a few hours each day I can focus on my dream goal of running my own business.  Since I am a morning person, I get up early, get a cup of coffee and sit down in my office to ‘work’ until the kids get up.  This is usually one to two hours.  I’m currently writing this at 6:30am.  Also, they play video games an hour a day so I ‘work’ then.  I’m writing ‘work’ in parenthesis because when it’s a dream goal, it’s something you love to do so it doesn’t necessarily feel like work.

Lack of know how: Well, I’d say this has been the toughest for me.  I have a lot of fantastic ideas for my business, but when it comes to putting them out there, the technology tries to thwart me every time!  The answer?  I just picked a few things that I needed to figure out right away and figured them out!  I asked people in the know, I found classes to take, I searched YouTube for tutorials etc. Every single day I am having to learn a new technology skill.  I’ve come so far and MY OH MY do I have far to go still!  

So, what are your dream goals?  

Take a deep long think about what you’d really want to do if the world was your oyster.  What does that saying really mean anyway?  I don’t even like oysters, much less a world sized one, but you get the gist.

Print the download, color it all beautiful like, and list your dream goals out, no matter how big or small, and post it on your bathroom mirror.

Now, pick your favorite, the one you think about the most, and tell one of your close ones.  DO IT!  It will feel surprisingly scary, but it’s worth it.  Ask your close one to check in with you from time to time about how you’re doing with your dream goal. 

Next, find one hour a day to devote to doing something for your dream goal.  You don’t have to worry about the whole big thing.  Just start!  It will unfold as you go.

Here’s your download:

Dream Goals Download

Alright friends!  Go forth and dream big goals!

Kimberly Snider, Virtuoso, signing off